Unless you're lactose-intolerant or out of town, I'm not sure there's a valid excuse to skip a Make-Your-Own Ice Cream Sundae/Shake/Soda Party. Yesterday Husband & I hosted such an event. Guests brought their favorite toppings; everyone indulged. Oh, to snub those ice cream trucks taunting their inane jingles that drive everyone even more batty on these days with triple-digit heat indexes.
The leftovers: 50% left in each tub. A gap left for the one fully consumed tub of vanilla. |
Our freezer, it seems, also feels some excess. Whereas Husband, Sherbet (who entertained the company in hopes for free licks of ice cream or, preferably, whipped cream), & I would ordinarily find additional sharing venues for such frozen delights, time is not on our side. In fact, we've been trying to stock the freezer with healthy, homemade meals for after Ramlet's birth. To facilitate the transfer of chicken enchiladas, swiss cheese veggie quiche, and cheddar cheese with asparagus and sausage quiche from refrigerator to freezer, Husband took three cartons of ice cream to work. I probably should feel guilty for hanging on to the Black Raspberry Chocolate and the Cookies & Cream, but right now I just wish I had a larger freezer.
Before the ice cream donation. |
In the above picture, most of the plastic bags are filled with homemade pizzas courtesy of friends who are new parents and wanted to help stock us up for the first few days (weeks?) of parenthood. Husband & I added enchiladas, quiches, beef and veggie roasts, carrot apple breakfast bread, and inside-out cabbage rolls to the collection. If time permits, I'll contribute a bag of French Toast and a pan of eggplant parmesan to our menu options.
Any ideas on what else to freeze in preparation for the little bundle who's eating will take precedence over ours?
Maybe we can freeze a few extra hours of sleep in there, just in case?