Thursday, July 14, 2011

$10 Beautification Project

Flowers fascinate me.  Their petal shapes and coloration, their fragrances, and their distinct surrounding greenery.  Their names: petunia, daffodil, gladiola, chrysanthemum, lavender, begonia, black-eyed-susan, gardenia, daisy, tulip, dandelion.  In my dreams of permanence, I long for a yard more than a house.  The backyard will be for grilling, vegetable gardens, raspberry bushes, and room to run through a sprinkler.  The front yard will be reserved for a mammoth perennial flower garden punctuated with walkways, benches, and a gurgling fountain or a mysterious statue.

Impatiens.  My favorite shade-friendly small flower.
Until then, Husband and I are content with our huge, though a tad ugly, porch.  The slab concrete floor and solid wall (instead of railings) make the space feel contained for being outdoors.  One trip to Lowes for a bag of dirt and a few forlorn impatiens brighten the atmosphere.  Now hot pink and terra cotta blossoms invite me onto the porch for early morning tea or late afternoon writing.  Meanwhile the half full bag of dirt promises a future gardening adventure, wherever that may be.

Houseplant refuges from the terrors of Sherbet.
What's in your dream yard?


  1. My dream yard has hammocks hanging from hooks mounted on secret garden-style walls (hooks so I don't damage my trees).

    There's a small orchard with a few espaliered apple or pear trees, an herb garden, lots of vegetables, and a water fountain.

    Oh yeah, against one wall is a stone and brick cooking area (both grill and covered bread/pizza oven).


  2. I love all of your plans! BOTH of them! ^ :)

    You guys will get there!!!!

  3. My dream yard is one with tons of veggies, berries, and fruits growing in the spring, summer, and fall. Trees for climbing, a pond, a weeping willow, tree swings, a treehouse, a winding path, some benches, and beauty EVERYWHERE! Maybe a little grass here and there. A fire pit. Friends.

  4. I should add fire pit to my dream list. And swings. Loved those growing up!
